Leveraging our team's collective knowledge to better support our clients

As a Digital Transformation services company, it is to no surprise that our innovation team spends a lot of time identifying and evaluating Digital Transformation trends and innovations. As part of our DNA, we leverage all the knowledge of our junior and seasoned consultants to keep up with the latest technology in our industry. In addition to holding regular internal startup days, hackathons and ideation workshops, we recently asked our colleagues in a two-hour workshop to present the best "digital experience" they had come across over the past few months. This workshop gave us all a great opportunity to learn from each other; to challenge our consultant to present a digital transformation experience in 60 seconds; and last but not least, to have a good time as a team (despite the fact that these events occur remotely over video conferences due to the COVID-19 restrictions).

At the end of the workshop, each of us voted for the best experience based on criteria such as: quality of presentation, the innovation and disruptive effect of the presented business or technology, etc...

This time, our top three nominees won some "panier gourmant" in Geneva, a restaurant dinner in Da Nang as well as in Zurich (to come soon we hope)

team geneva

team da nang

team zurich

They presented us the following 3 apps:

discord logo


Discord was born in 2015 from Jason Citron with the goal of bringing all existing VoIP software (Skype, TeamSpeak, Mumble, etc.) together into one software. The software was first used by gamers, but other communities quickly started to utilize it, such as developers. Today Discord is also used by teachers to give remote courses due to the COVID-19 restrictions.

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The best way to learn a language is to learn with Duolingo; it's just fun and engaging. Earn points by answering correctly, practice in time trial mode and level up. Their lessons are both short and effective - and free!

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Signia App

Signia Assistant and TeleCare is a mobile app that allows its users to optimize and benefit from the full value of Signia hearing aid. Thanks to artificial intelligence, Signia Assistant feeds on the preferences of the wearer to give them the most personal hearing experience possible. Signia Assistant is very easy to use because the real magic happens in the background. Signia Assistant is a dynamic system - using highly advanced machine learning algorithms, it continuously improves its skills to help its users hear better. It feeds off the their preferences to create the optimal solution for each individual hearing needs.

Interested in joining the team and discovering the next best digital experience?

You can find all our open positions here!



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