
Atupri, a renowned Swiss health insurance company, supports and encourages people to make the right decisions for their health. To this purpose they sought to launch a microsite to involve and interact with their customers and other people over health themes such as sport, food and therapies. The idea being to portray over several months 5 protagonists doing something good for their health.

Having developed their corporate website, Open Web Technology was approached to develop the microsite with the same content management system, already familiar to Atupri.


Functionality Analysis

Once the idea and the design were developed by a branding agency, we helped Atupri to refine and challenge the concept of the website from a technical perspective coming up with a solid solution.

The focus of the website being around people interaction and health knowledge, a strong attention was put to social functionalities from Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Displaying an Instagram's feed as a carousel, having a background video playing automatically or simply sharing and liking an article were some of the desires of a customizable user experience.

Another focus was the structure of the content. It had to be daily updated and incremented week by week. Besides, some content had to be displayed multiple times on different pages. Thus, it was important to optimize the website structure and to make it as modular as possible. 

Development Phase

Following the concept phase in cooperation with Atupri and the branding company, Open Web Technology took the ownership of the development. 

Although Drupal offers several standard modules, some required a specific custom development in order to meet the client's requirements. Some examples are the Instagram feed displayed in a loop carousel with a description management and the tag system that allows for specific modules of the website to be tagged with keywords and then generate automatic pages that regroup all content under the same tag.

Working with our agile methodology we were able to iterate over the project and gather valuable feedback from the client's and branding agencies testing to refine the deliverable and quickly respond to several change requests.

Content Display

The Drupal 8 content management system we implemented enables authors to effortlessly compose pages with simple drag and drops movements of the modules. Besides, each module can be shared individually for a better social experience. 

As more and more content is added every day and for several months, an important attention was put on the display of the content and the timing. A lazy loading function for content display was suitable for better performance and a smooth user experience.

Thanks to the work of Open Web Technology, in less than 2 months Atupri was able to have a modern and flexible microsite based on the Drupal 8 Content Management System. The website is scalable and reusable thanks to the modular structure, and thanks to multiple modules available for Drupal 8, the microsite is certain to be expandable, future-proof and responsive on multiple devices from desktops to tablets and phones.

To see the website in action, visit

intensive analysis phase
months to implement
major functionalities

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